Monday, August 16, 2021

Lifetime Access To Spotify Premium Hack for IOS ! Work 2021 !


Things Needed:

  • Jailbroken IOS Device
  • Access To Cydia
  • AppCake (Cydia -> Sources -> Edit -> Add ( -> install AppCake
Cydia Sources Needed:

(Need both)


1. Open AppCake And Search for Spotify

2. Look for Version 2.3.0 or 2.4.0, Other Versions don't work (I'll be using v2.4.0)

3. Once Downloaded and Installed. Make and account or Login to Spotify

4. Once done. Close the App from MultiTast (Double Click Home Button).

5. Launch Cydia and Add the Following source:

6. Once done, Search for 'BDaySpotify' On Cydia. Install It.

7. ReSpring the Device If Required.

8. Go Back to Spotify and Enjoy. The account should say Premium.

Cheat Valorant Aimbot Hacks 2021 Work !



  • Color Aimbot
  • Shot correction (Magnet)

This cheat is Internal/External type of a cheat built on top of the Interception drivers which Riot failed to block. Your mouse input is intercepted and the movement coordinates are "adjusted" to help you out. If you do not understand the Internal/External term, it means the cheat is external written as internal and therefore you can inject it into any process. Please note I took roughly 3 hours to write the features and the cheat as a whole so it is very rough around the edges. This is proof of concept that others should take as inspiration.

Compile the source yourself from the valorant master file using visual studio 2019


  1. Install the Interception driver ( i will not link this since it's against rules but it can be easily found using google}
  2. Download the cheat (two .dll files)
  3. Find an original way to inject the "inject me" dll into any 32-bit process - !DO NOT INJECT THE DLL INTO VALORANT!. I will not provide a tutorial on this, look up internal/external, You can use any decent injector
  4. The interception.dll file needs to be in the appropriate folder according to how you inject, if you do not know what this means, put the interception.dll into a folder (for example C:/Interception) and add this folder into system PATH variable (google that)
  5. If you did this correctly, a console will show up with "YES" written in it
  6. Input your sensitivity, smoothing, and mode into the console, details are below
  7. The console should disappear and you should be good to go
  8. In-game, set colorblind mode to Purple
  9. To disable the cheat, end the process you injected into

Never inject into Valorant or RIOT associated processes.
Do not inject if the game is running.
find your own way of injecting the dll somewhere.
The safety of the cheat relies heavily on the way you inject the dll, This is also why there isn't a tutorial where I say, inject it into this... Use your own injector that you find somewhere and then inject it into 32 bit process of your choice.


Console input
Input the values in the following order:


Smoothing has reasonable values around 0.01-0.2 based on your CPU and setup. The mode has 3 values (1, 2, 3). 1 is for Shot correction only, 2 is for Color Aimbot only, 3 is for both.


Cheat status

If you use a detected injector, you will be banned, of course, don't inject when the game is already running.
Please note that the detection might rely heavily on the way people inject the dll and therefore might have mixed comments


Compile the file yourself from sources.

Very basic pixel bot source with the interception driver setup. Since Vanguard does not use any preventive measurements, you can just modify the source code if you know a little bit of C/C++ and run the cheat as if it was never released here (Add some junk, modify some parts of the code, or just use the Interception base as setup). In order to compile this, you need to update link to Interception.lib file in the project settings (in Linker). The solution is for Visual Studio with Visual C++ installed. If you have any comments about the source, quote me, but lot of it was written quickly so there aren't really interesting concepts in there.


Sunday, August 15, 2021

Script Enigma DOTA 2 WORK 2021 !

 Script Enigma DOTA 2 WORK 2021 !

you have to put blink and other items like in the photo

how to use :

  1. Copy past it in {Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\dota\cfg}
  2. Run dota and open console and wright {exec enigma}
how it work in game !
  1. Press fast KEY G(2-3 times) blink + spell
  2. Items + ult = 100 profit
  3. Press KEY F(refresher+spell+items+ult)

Cheat Fall Guys Ultimate Knockout 2021 WORK!


Cheat Fall Guys Ultimate Knockout 2021 WORK! 


  • Speed
  • Turn Speed
  • Recover Speed
  • Gravity
  • Fall Speed
  • Diving Boost
  • Commando Grab

Cheat Among Us Hacks 2021 WORK !

 Among Us Hacks 2021

Required  Cheat Engine.

  • (HOST)Lobby settings control
  • Name, Color, Outfit, Hat, and Pet Changer (Applies on play again, No code list made someone make a comment for posting values for pets and outfits please)
  • Crewmate Player vision Changer
  • Be The Imposter toggle (Hotkey keybind numpad + for imposter - for crewmate. Must be host for True Imposter Force. If only 1 imposter is allowed it will pick random and force you causing 2 Imposters. If already crewmate you can only sabotage and vent until a meeting is called. Not sure if it shows to other imposters yet, hard to test)
  • Imposter Cooldown Changer (Hotkey is Keypad Enter to set cooldown to 10 seconds for self. Value can be frozen to 0 for no cooldown.)
  • Imposter Kill Distance Changer
  • Imposter Vision Changer
  • Remaining Emergency Calls Changer
  • Report Distance Changer
  • Player Speed Changer (Hotkeys are Keypad 7 for adding 0.05 to current speed, Keypad 4 for subtracting 0.05. Good for having a subtle speed boost over other players.)

Saturday, August 14, 2021




  • Pokémon Detection

  • Shiny Check

  • Rare Encounter Check

  • Auto Capture

  • Use False Swipe

  • Auto Fighting (Wild)

  • Auto E.V Training

  • Capture List

  • Capture needed Pokémon for PokéDex

  • Complete PRO Pokémon Database (Move Types/Pokémon Types/Pokémon Weaknesses)

  • Relogging & Re-Mounting

  • Screenshot & Close Preview (Screenshots Preview Window as PokémonName-date-time.PNG)

  • Alert Sound on Shiny/Rare

  • Encounter Log

  • Intelligent PP Management



F5 - Start
F6 - Pause
F7 - Exit (Panic)

No installation, no fuss. Download, tick some boxes, type what Pokémon you want (if any) and click Start. Obtaining Shiny/Event Pokémon has never been easier.


Cheat Grand Chase Classic 2021 WORK !!!


  • One Hit - Kill all monsters with 1 hit
  • Item Vac - Get all items and coins automatically.
  • Autokill - Upon entering the room, all monsters die.
  • Item Spawn - Drops all items from the first stage level - Important! Activate with Autokill! (Tutorial below).
  • Time Hack - Increases and freezes the mission time.
  • Rank Hack - Rank SS (Or any of your choice) automatically in all stages (Rank SS gives 15% more EXP).


How to Use:

  1. Download Cheat Engine
  2. Open Cheat Engine from the file with the hacks (Download below)
  3. Open Grand Chase and wait until you reach the "Server Selection" screen
  4. Go back to Cheat Engine and select the computer icon (Upper left corner) and then select the game
  5. Then, activate the hacks you want to use (Checking the boxes next to each function)



Item Spawn: Before entering a level, activate both Item Spawn and Autokill. Then, enter the level normally, and all items in the level will be on the ground. You can pick them up and get off the map with them immediately.

Note: Even after picking them up, they remain visually on the ground. it's just a visual bug. You can exit the level normally and receive all your items.